The kite school that plants trees

Kitesurfen für die Umwelt

You are kiting, we are planting trees

Our Kite School on Lake Garda plants new trees with the help of Ecologi, The Eden Projects and the Trillion Tree Campaign on behalf of the United Nations Environment Programme to protect the climate in the long term and preserve biodiversity. We plant for every booked kite course to reduce CO2 emissions and create new habitat – you are actively contributing to environmental, climate and nature protection!
Das Eden Projekt

CO2 neutral kite school

Avid Kiteboarding supports United Nations REDD Program projects that protect the rainforest in Brazil “the lungs of the world” and wind energy projects in Vietnam. Our support has a direct impact on the atmospheric CO2 level: you will learn how to kitesurfing on Lake Garda with us completely CO2 neutral!
10 Tonnen C02 reduziert

About Trillion Tree Campaign

Immortalize your forest. It has never been so easy to protect the climate and do good. The Trillion Tree Campaign project, founded by UN Environment & partners, has the ultimate goal of planting 1 trillion trees! Because with 1000 billion new trees, we could bind a quarter of man-made CO2 emissions and create prosperity in the Global South.
Already after the first 5 years of the campaign, 12,585,293,312 trees were planted and registered.

Let’s plant trees!

For every new booking of a kite course at our school on Lake Garda we plant a tree and register it through Ecologi or the Trillion Tree Campaign. We regularly share the number and locations of trees planted with you through our social media and newsletter. To visit our AVID Forest by Ecologi and learn more about our projects or sustainability goals you should follow this link: AVID Kite Forest

Protect the climate

Preservation of biodiversity

Environmental protection

Creating prosperity in the global south

Bind CO2 emissions

Kitesurfen lernen und Baeume pflanzen
2021 Co2 Neutrale Kiteschule